There's room for you and your doubts.
Have you ever found yourself
on the fringes of faith and spirituality?
Perhaps Because...​
​You’re a queer Christian who wasn’t
fully welcomed in a church? ​​
You’re pretty sure a God of love
couldn’t send people to hell? ​
You have no desire to convert
your mates from other faiths?​
You started listening to a podcast like ours & found yourself on a slippery slope!
You’re a pastor but you no longer believe
what you're 'supposed to'
You’re sceptical about whether a ‘plain and simple’ reading of the Bible exists?
You reckon Jesus would cringe at what we’ve done with his movement? ​​
There's many more we could add to the list...

But the bottom line is, we reckon:
It’s only good news if it’s good for everyone.
Faith and doubt are actually conversation partners
Belonging shouldn’t be based on belief
Tradition and progress both hold gifts
There are always more beautiful ways to think about God.

We started this space to help you on your journey. And to let you know, you're not alone.